Live video streaming has recently become a rage across the world like never before – thanks to periscope for generating interest in live video streaming among the general public – earlier live streaming platforms ( mostly paid ) had been used by only specific groups for business meetings or events.
Dan Petrovic is widely-known search marketer, web author, event speaker and the managing director of DEJAN Marketing, an Australia-based search marketing company. Dan is also an adjunct professor at Griffith University, Australia and a chairman of the Industry Advisory Board for the Department of Marketing.
If you are a newbie blogger or someone who is looking forward to start blogging – either as a hobby or to grow your business or you may want to take up blogging as a career – whatever the reason may be – these guys can guide you on how to start and manage a blog successfully. In this post, the FirstSiteGuide team shares 45 useful blogging tips for beginners or newbies.
Brian Patterson is a widely-known Online Reputation Management Consultant, Author and Speaker. He is also the co-founder of GoFishDigital, a Washington DC-based Online Branding Firm. Brian has helped individuals and firms protect their brand reputation and also resolve complex ORM issues.
Have you had one of those days where no matter how much you think you just can’t come up with a single idea? I sure did! Although there isn’t much scientific explanation for mental blocks, it does happen to all of us. May be it is due to lack of inspiration or due to not-so motivating results, or due to mental exhaustion, whatever the reasons are - it is important for us to get out of this block and get our creative juices flowing.
Jeet Banerjee is a 23 year-old serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, public speaker and an author. He is also a seasoned blogger who has been writing extensively on Entrepreneurship. Visit www.jeetbanerjee.com to know more about him.
Did you read part I of this article? If no, I would recommend you to read part I before proceeding - SEO: Redefining Theory, Policy and Practice (Part I)
Note: It's a very important and relevant article that every SEO should read but, please note the following: This is a very long theoretical article which connects the past, present and the future of SEO and raises important questions for the SEO community to ponder.
Ian Lurie is the CEO and Founder of one of the oldest Internet marketing agencies in USA, Portent , which was launced in 1995. The veteran Internet marketer, who has 20+ years of experience, has spoken at conferences around the world including SearchLove, MozCon, SIC and ad Tech.
Larry Kim is the founder of WordStream, a leading search marketing software and services provider based in Boston, managing approximately a half-Billion in annual ad spend across over ten thousand customers. He regularly shares his advice and insight with over a million visitors a month at his WordStream Blog and is a top contributor for leading industry publications including Inc. Magazine, Social Media Examiner, Search Engine Land and Social Media Today.