Jolina Landicho

Jolina Landicho

Guest Contributor

Jolina Landicho is a marketing strategist and business consultant working with various companies and start-ups based in the US, UK, and Australia. She is devoted in helping businesses bridge relationship gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on online marketing, business development, and growth hacking.

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Gen-zers Marketing
Jolina LandichoJolina Landicho

How to redefine your marketing strategies in a world dominated by Gen-Zers

Digital Marketing

Gone are the days when marketing strategies revolve around the buying habits and behaviors of millennials. Today, there’s a new generation entering the workforce, dramatically changing the market and how brands should strategize their next move to win in their respective industries.

Gen-zers Marketing
Published on August 21, 2018

9 Futuristic SEO Questions Answered by Top SEO Experts

As Google gets smarter day by day with path-breaking algorithim updates/changes that have been happening in the recent times including the latest one ‘RankBrain’ and as new technologies such as Physicalweb, IoT ( Internet of Things ), BLE ( Bluetooth Low Energy) are likely to disrupt the search landscape, uncertainty looms over the SEO industry. Read more