Niraj Ranjan Rout

Niraj Ranjan Rout

Guest Contributor

Niraj is the founder of Hiver (, an app that turns Gmail into a powerful customer support and collaboration tool.

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Woman Typing on Laptop
Niraj Ranjan RoutNiraj Ranjan Rout

7 Tips to Become a Highly Productive Content writer


Writing can be extremely demanding, especially when you are a content writer and you have goals to meet, and numbers to show. True, writing, just like creative arts, is driven by inspiration which is hard to come by at your beck and call. Despite that, making writing an everyday practice can make it easier to do so.

Woman Typing on Laptop
Published on September 1, 2016

9 Futuristic SEO Questions Answered by Top SEO Experts

As Google gets smarter day by day with path-breaking algorithim updates/changes that have been happening in the recent times including the latest one ‘RankBrain’ and as new technologies such as Physicalweb, IoT ( Internet of Things ), BLE ( Bluetooth Low Energy) are likely to disrupt the search landscape, uncertainty looms over the SEO industry. Read more

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Niraj Ranjan RoutNiraj Ranjan Rout

10 ways to get your creative juices flowing

Digital Marketing

Have you had one of those days where no matter how much you think you just can’t come up with a single idea? I sure did! Although there isn’t much scientific explanation for mental blocks, it does happen to all of us. May be it is due to lack of inspiration or due to not-so motivating results, or due to mental exhaustion, whatever the reasons are - it is important for us to get out of this block and get our creative juices flowing.

Published on April 12, 2016
content marketing
Niraj Ranjan RoutNiraj Ranjan Rout

5 Mistakes Content Marketers Must Stop Making


“Useful X Enjoyable X Inspired = Innovative Content” - Ann Handley Our mistakes as content marketeers can cost us a lot, and worse yet, more often than not - it is difficult to see what our mistakes have cost us.

content marketing
Published on November 23, 2015

13 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Live Video Platforms for Business Growth

Live video streaming has recently become a rage across the world like never before – thanks to periscope for generating interest in live video streaming among the general public – earlier live streaming platforms ( mostly paid ) had been used by only specific groups for business meetings or events. The Twitter-owned periscope provides free service and has gained immense popularity compared to any other live video streaming platforms which were launched in the past, thus live video streaming has become a popular web activity among the general public like never before. Read more

Mc Donalds Logo On Road
Niraj Ranjan RoutNiraj Ranjan Rout

Unconventional tips to market a small business/startup better

Digital Marketing

Many of us think that marketing is a pretty mechanical job - build a product, look up for best practices online, throw a bright spotlight on the proposition, and done. If only it were that simple! Personally, in my attempt to market Hiver, I made a few not-so-obvious discoveries. Not everything they teach you at business schools can be put to good use - the hard truth that very few like to talk about.

Mc Donalds Logo On Road
Published on November 9, 2015