Writing can be extremely demanding, especially when you are a content writer and you have goals to meet, and numbers to show. True, writing, just like creative arts, is driven by inspiration which is hard to come by at your beck and call. Despite that, making writing an everyday practice can make it easier to do so.
Though it’s not a surprising thing for a world famous celebrity like Richard Branson to have millions of fans and followers on his social profiles, there are a few X factors beyond his celebrity status that make his profiles so interesting, lively and motivating and noticeably drive high levels of social engagement. Read more.
“Useful X Enjoyable X Inspired = Innovative Content” - Ann Handley Our mistakes as content marketeers can cost us a lot, and worse yet, more often than not - it is difficult to see what our mistakes have cost us.
If you are a small business owner or a small business marketer who was a content marketing enthusiast but lost interest as it didn’t deliver results, then this is a must-read article. As you may know content marketing, atleast in theory, helps creating brand awareness and visibility. It helps you build a brand image and trust.
Though viral marketing is not a new concept, the arrival of social media has definitely added a new dimension to it. Unlike pre-social media era, viral marketing has become much more practical and implementable and the reach and effects of a typical viral marketing campaign today are simply incomparable."